IcanU is a technology and multimedia program that strives for student achievement by engaging students as innovators in their own learning. The program engages students learning via technology and multimedia classes; educational support for academics mentorship and career guidance; and opporunties for Curricula are developed in part by collaboration with professionals and specialists in an given technology. Allowing for real career examples in classroom exercies.
IcanU's approach to student learning is based on sound youth development pratices and a differentiated learning model which recongnizes that students need specfic assests in their lives to achieve success and that all students can learn and all learners learn differently. IcanU sets high expectations for each learner.
I find that kids are so technically minded by programming all their
daily gadgets and devices such as cell phones, cable TV, Ipods, video games, etc, that they become bored and not stimulated while in school".
--Allan "Sparky" Starks
"Creativity is a type of learning process where the teacher and pupil are located in the same individual"
-Arthur Koestler
Your past doesn't have to equal your future.